2024 05 30

Release 2024-05-30

Version 1.03.2024


Adding XSD schemas to all messages

Adding XSD schemas to all standard messages. Some customers are requiring this for their development.

Dispatch order

Adding Payment Options DTO object to dispatch Order. Payment options are used for parcel. After sending towards internal API, the umbrella will process them for parcel order. These payment options could also be set in EDIHUB. If payment options are send via customer, they will override EDIHUB setting. The payment options are than also sent towards parcel providers.

Item Master V2

  • Enhancing the item master standard to v2.
  • BatchNumber and serialNumber enabled changes from boolean to integer.
  • Dangerous goods move from packaging units into header.

New standard EDI message Stock Corrections

A new standard EDI message has been added into our portfolio. This message informs customer about changes within cp warehosue stock. E.g. about blocking/unblocking goods, customs clearance etc.


Incomplete filenames logistics

For the logistics message, the message code was missing in the filename description (e.g. IM was missing for item master).

Wrong path description / general rules